Tag Archives: memorial day

Girl in the Kitchen…Healthy, but Yummy Snacks

10 May

Its May. Memorial Day is rapidly approaching. At first, this thought fills most heads with images of fun in the sun. But quickly, the wide-eyed horror sets in. “Almost Memorial Day” soon means “bathing suit season”…

If you are anything like me, you probably have images like the one of gorgeous Candice Swanepoel below stuck in your head as your idea of what you “should” be looking like by the time you have to first don that bikini in public.


     But no need to stress, you still have plenty of time to shape up your eating habits before that now-haunting deadline…

    During the work-day its tough to try to eat healthy.  Boredom at your desk often translates into random cravings, which then leads you far too frequently to that convenient vending machine in the break room filled with chips and candy. Then after the work day is over, you are plagued with the “WHY did I eat that?” guilt.  A vicious cycle.

     Now is the time to break it. And doing so is remarkably simple.

1) Instead of relying on the vending machine for your snacks, try bringing your own snacks. Go browse the aisles of the grocery store for pre-packed snack sized portions (the 100 calorie packs are great for this) of your favorite snacks.

         Annie’s Bunnies are my personal favorite…Image



2) Try to make sure the snacks you are bringing are filling. High Fiber foods help make you feel full and keep you feeling full longer.  Fruits, nuts and veggies are great sources of fiber.

Try any of these: ImageImageImage



3) Try keeping your portion size smaller. Even if a smaller portion means that you might have to have a little, healthy snack every 3-4 hours that is completely fine! Your body operates more effectively when it is constantly being fueled and you are less likely to overeat. Check out an article about the benefits of this style of eating here. It also helps encourage weight loss!


So go out, try incorporating these three easy steps into your daily snack schedule, and get excited, not stressed, for those pool days ahead!